Friday, September 17, 2010

Weird things about Spain

I feel like my posts on my adventures need to be more in-depth so I thought I'd write a simple post about how weird Spain is.

1) You'd think that preservativos would mean preservatives, they don't. Preservativos are condoms, so don't ever eat any Spanish food with preservativos.
2) Gypsies... I've already wrote about these bitches.
3) Everyone lives with their parents until they're like thirty years old. Which is weird because it is very rare for a Spanish family to allow non-members into their house. (How do things happen with girls?) The Spanish have no sense of hospitality (this is one thing that really pisses me off about these people). Because of this the streets are always filled with people.
4) Young people don't have jobs.
5) I've seen tons of children under 5 years old running around past midnight.
6) Every single child is walked to school by their parents at the same time. Quite a sight to see so many little kids in white polos and so many parents that would be at work in the US.
7) I walked by two gay guys making out with people around them taking pictures?
8) People are scared of bare feet. They think you get sick if you walk barefoot or don't wear slippers around. They also think that bare feet are the dirtiest things ever.
9) Siesta is supposed to be a nap, but there are always hundreds of people drinking in the plazas at 3pm no matter what day of the week.
10) When you order something at McDonald's they don't take the next person's order until you have your food (aka no yelling "number 21...number 24"). This led to my 40 minute trip to McDonald's. Oh, and there are no drive thrus, but that's not that weird.
11) Breakfast is tiny and consists of a piece of bread. I feel like every morning I'm trying to cure a hangover without having one.
12) Rollerblading is, like, the shit.
13) You are unable to eat or drink in class, not because of a rule, but because it is considered extremely rude and inconsiderate. This may not seem weird, but when you consider that you could smoke in class up until ten years ago its a different story.
14) Smoking has been cut in half... Everyone still smokes.
15) 80% of men are dressed in long-sleeve button-ups and nice slacks on days that are 95 degrees.
16) They have all these things called "tiendas chinos." Most of these people are Chinese. Today I saw a sign at a museum that said, "Chinese friendly."
17) If you had a car to start, when you started it a bunch of cats would run out from under it.
18) Every single building here would be a historic landmark and restricted in the US.
19) There's probably more stuff I'll think about later.


  1. Great post Scotty! It would be interesting to know what Spainairds would think was weird about things in the USA. So do people actually take multiple hour siesta breaks in the afternoon? So for instance are stores closed after lunch? Keep it up dude.

  2. Great comments, enjoy the cultural differences, ok? I remember getting you to school in Holland at the OBB: You rode on the back of my bike, Lindsey rode in the front basket. I picked you up for lunch every day, then delivered you back after your pbj. No yellow school busses in Holland either!

  3. Hey Scott - We are enjoying following your blog. It's interesting to see all differences in Europe from the U.S.
