Monday, September 27, 2010

First day of school

Okay as for the roommate questions... Right now there are two double rooms and two single rooms in the flat.  The two singles and my double share a bathroom while the other double has its own.  One of the singles is currently taken by Antonio and I believe another Spaniard is going to move in to the other.  My roommate seems to now understand that he needs to have his own space and has therefore decided to try and move into a single (this was after his first roommate moved to another room in the flat and I announced my desire to change too).  So, if he moves out I'm not really sure what will happen with my room.  I may have a double as a single, but I also might get another roommate.. Spanish or American who knows.  My friend Jeff from NY has expressed interest in moving into the residencia so maybe that would be a good option, but there are certain dates where you can switch out of your homestay (he lives with two viejos and has no internet).  If my roommate is unable to get the single he wants and therefore doesn't move I am going to move somewhere else regardless of if I have a single or a double.  I am crossing my fingers that no one moves into the empty single in my flat because I believe that would be the best way to go.

Today is my first day of classes and I have already had one but have decided that I should wait until I have been to all of them to write an exclusive class blog.  Sneak peak: my cine class seems cool, only graded on the midterm and final.  My teacher is like 35 and has a phD in communications or something like that (I feel like all teachers here are doctors).

Well I'm falling asleep while writing this but my main reason for writing right now was to post a picture for parents.

First day of school tradition. In front of the third largest church in the world that I walk by every day to class, but I'd rather be on Bauer Woods Dr. right about now.  Love you mom/dad

haha I fell asleep holding the space bar down.


  1. love the first day of school picture! Thanks for thinking of us.

  2. Oops, I screwed up again and posted my comment while using mom's account. Me bad. Daddio

  3. Thanks for continuing the Gardner family tradition of first day of school pics, very nice!
    And as far as dad posting under my account, I will just sign my posts Mom from now on and ask him to sign his as Dad, ok? Basically to comment you have to select a profile you are using and the home PC is almost always on my google e-mail, unless daddio has changed it. And I can imagine that someday he will be on his google, I won't know it and I will comment as him. So signing after a comment works best, I think, okie dokie? Oh and I keep trying to think of fun phrases for Antonio, so far nothing good. See ya later aligator!

  4. Scott, that is very cute that you did the first day of school pic! =) Miss you
