Thursday, September 30, 2010

New room/move

Well these are pictures of the move from my old room to my new room in my same flat.  Im really tired so this post is brief but I live with Nick, from Brandeis in Boston, originally Florida.  Hope you enjoy, maybe I'll add more wordage later.
Old room

Turn the corner

Tiny hallway walk
New room

Nick side, not Nick... oops
My side...
View from bathroom, Nick's desk on left mine on right
uhh ya 
Bathroom I share with Nick
Is it bad to use the bedet as a urinal?

La Giralda

This is the third largest church in the world and the largest Gothic cathedral in the world. It has been controlled by both Muslim and Christian forces during the past but ended as a Christian cathedral. Over the years the cathedral has been renovated to fit the Christian ideas of a cathedral but the large tower remains as a reminder of Muslim rule.  I'm not really sure what to say about it considering I was too busy taking pictures to listen to the tour guide tell us about random stuff.  I guess I was more interested in the building itself than the history (since I can probably find it on this internet thing you're on right now).

All of these pictures are in random spots, I'll fix it later if I think about it

Monday, September 27, 2010

Update: Roommate Situation

So, my roommate is moving out tomorrow. A spanish student toured the place today but didn't seem to happy about it, I don't know why they get to choose their dorm UO??? But I will either have a spanish roommate or my friend Nick who lives down the hall in my same flat and currently is suffering from the same roommate problems as I am. I wrote about him in a previous blog. If the Spanish roommate doesn't move in I may just have a single for the time being but who knows. Also the other single in our place has yet to be filled and I don't know what to expect from that.

First day of school

Okay as for the roommate questions... Right now there are two double rooms and two single rooms in the flat.  The two singles and my double share a bathroom while the other double has its own.  One of the singles is currently taken by Antonio and I believe another Spaniard is going to move in to the other.  My roommate seems to now understand that he needs to have his own space and has therefore decided to try and move into a single (this was after his first roommate moved to another room in the flat and I announced my desire to change too).  So, if he moves out I'm not really sure what will happen with my room.  I may have a double as a single, but I also might get another roommate.. Spanish or American who knows.  My friend Jeff from NY has expressed interest in moving into the residencia so maybe that would be a good option, but there are certain dates where you can switch out of your homestay (he lives with two viejos and has no internet).  If my roommate is unable to get the single he wants and therefore doesn't move I am going to move somewhere else regardless of if I have a single or a double.  I am crossing my fingers that no one moves into the empty single in my flat because I believe that would be the best way to go.

Today is my first day of classes and I have already had one but have decided that I should wait until I have been to all of them to write an exclusive class blog.  Sneak peak: my cine class seems cool, only graded on the midterm and final.  My teacher is like 35 and has a phD in communications or something like that (I feel like all teachers here are doctors).

Well I'm falling asleep while writing this but my main reason for writing right now was to post a picture for parents.

First day of school tradition. In front of the third largest church in the world that I walk by every day to class, but I'd rather be on Bauer Woods Dr. right about now.  Love you mom/dad

haha I fell asleep holding the space bar down.

Friday, September 24, 2010


I guess I haven't really explained much about my roommates other than my hatred.  Here goes nothing.  My room roommate that actually sleeps in the same room and talk on the phone all the time is name Daniel Burnside, he goes by Dani.  He is from Colombia, and then Miami, but goes to Penn St. He is gigantic like 6'4" and solid. I guess one good thing is I will have back up in a fight.

Next, Antonio.  Antonio is a very nice 26 year-old Spaniard.  He is from Cadíz, which is a port town that I have been told it is the oldest city in western Europe.  It has been the same size for over a thousand+ years because it is surround on three sides by water and on the fourth by an enormous fortress wall.  He is also a gigantic human being, 6'6" or so but very very lanky. His major is mechanical engineering and at times his schedule is that of a vampire, good for me if we had a common room to hang out it... He is hilarious and loves to learn about American sayings, "okey-dokey," "see-ya later alligator, after a while..." He likes soccer and we go watch the games at the bar around the corner sometimes.

My other roommate is named Nick, he is from Boston/Florida and is really cool. He goes to Brandeis in Boston. He's going to be reading this so I have to say nice things about him but if my blog were as unknown to him as it is Dani I would still write the same thing. He's a really smart guy and has a nice girlfriend named Emily who comes over a lot. If she were crazy like Dani's girlfriend (who is fucking crazy through the computer when he's not even in the room, called 8 times in a row while I was taking a nap once) things would probably be different. But she is nice and made him soup when he was sick and isn't loud and is respectful! Hooray! I tried to move into his room to no avail, which sucks because his room is bigger than mine and has its own, right?

I just got another roommate today, he is the baby of the group at 18 years old. His name is Pablo and he's from the Canary Islands which I thought was pretty badass. I don't know much about him yet other than that he boiled an egg and made my entire floor smell like shit.

I'm also getting one more roommate, I'm not sure when but it should be this weekend considering that classes start on Monday. Maybe we won't get another roommate and we'll have an empty room for me to move into. I don't know why I have such wishful thinking when it's not going to happen.

My place

googlemap my street: calle San Pedro Martír, Sevilla, España.  I live in number eight!

Travel Plans: Update

So, I have updated some of my travel plans. I have scheduled flights to Barcelona on the weekend of the 14th and Amsterdam on the 28th. I am still discussing with my fellow study abroad-ers as to what we should do from here. I have narrowed it down to London, Paris, Rome, and Athens (I think!). Don't hold me to it.
Well, tomorrow I have my final for my intensive Spanish grammar class that has been 95% a waste of time considering I already have an A in a course with the exact same title back at the U of O. Spending three hours a day listening to my teacher drill us one-on-one was not very fun and I think I spent more time asleep in there this week than I have in my bed (just adding up all of the times my head almost hit my desk from dosing off). I also am not too worried about this final considering I did not study for my midterm and got an 87. Not that the grade matters much anyway with having already taken the class.
I got my schedule today, it is as I posted in another blog but has now been finalized. I am taking three at La Universidad de Sevilla and one at the CIEE Study Center. The image of Spain on the Cinema Screen (MW 9-11), Spanish and Latin American Literature of the Margins (MW 17-18.40)(CIEE Class), Spanish American Literature (TR 13-15), and also the Writing and Composition of Texts (TR 11-13).
I am hoping that the rumors I have heard about courses at the University being easier than others is true, I would love that sooooooooooo much. As much as I like school it is really starting to get annoying with the unnecessary and completely irrelevant assignments/lectures that continue to waste a lot of my time. Now I just need to get my syllabi and email them to my Spanish advisor (who never returns emails) to verify that these courses will transfer towards my major requirements.

INCASE YOU ARE WONDERING R=THURSDAY... idk if that is obvious or not

Well, I am going to go write my essay right now on the Museum of Fine Arts here in Spain. In case you are wondering I am going to talk about how pretty the architecture is, and how I didn't like that the entire museum was religion-themed. What I really want to write is how I might have enjoyed the museum had I not been required to go and if I hadn't needed to write notes on the paintings instead of look at them. But I can't really tell my teacher the truth about how I feel about her at this point either.

Hasta Luego

p.s. I'll do blogs tomorrow after I finish my final

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So I had an essay due Monday and Tuesday, and I just finished my 7 minute speech on a painting (I chose La persistencia de la memoria by Dalí) that I was assigned yesterday.  I am now off to a El museo de las bellas artes, then will write another essay about that museum... then I will interview 4 Spanish people about their thoughts on sports (and write another essay) all for tomorrow. I'm sorry I haven't been posting to all of you who have pointed that out or who have not but have wanted to. I will do my best to update you on all the cool (and lame) things which have been devouring my time.

Special shout out to Maren for taking the 5 minutes I never would to learn the shortcut for how to make these: í é á ó ú ñ. I appreciate it and miss you.


Sunday, September 19, 2010


I'm trying to figure out where I should travel in Europe while I'm here. I haven't really looked into much but so far I have a trip planned to Granada, Cordoba, Morocco, and that's about it. Where do you think I should go? I was thinking maybe Barcelona, Madrid, Portugal, Amsterdam, Greece (Yes Katie I'm interested...what's your e-mail?) and I'm not really sure what else... somewhere they speak English might be nice. Well leave me a comment or something if you have any great ideas. I don't think I want to go to France bc all I remember from going there before is bums pooping in between cars. I obviously can't go to all of these places but I need to stop procrastinating on my planning!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Okay, so I went to the royal palace in Sevilla, las Reales Alcazares de Sevilla, last Tuesday and it was incredible. I already said this but I took 265 pictures or something while I was there and eventually my battery died. The palace is a mix of Muslim and Christian influences and is enormous.  Although it is currently huge, in the past it was much larger and took up a great part of the city. It was here that Amerigo Vespucci, Magellan, and Columbus planned their journey to America/around the world (for Magellan). It was pretty incredible to think that I was in the same room as the people who discovered the rest of the world. As much as I love typing, I feel like posting a lot of pictures of this place would help whoever you are to understand how sweet it is. So ya, I'll try and do some captions or something.
Where Columbus and other explorers prayed before leaving for America

This thing is ENORMOUS
go ducks
this is what you'd recognize

Well I got really tired of waiting for these photos and of attempting to think of captions. Maybe I'll try again later. If not, enjoy.