Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Things I don't understand about Sevilla

I don't understand:

1) Why people don't own rain jackets-- they only use umbrellas.
2) Why they have ambulances here when all the streets are one way and it would be faster to walk to the hospital. Multiple times have seen ambulances stuck behind long lines of cars with no hope of saving whoever they're after.
3) How they train their dogs to be off leash all the time without any problems.
4) Why people don't care about their dogs shitting all of the streets and peeing on everything.
5) Why they clean the streets every night with hundreds (thousands?) of workers when the streets don't get cleaned and are just shit on the next day anyway.
6) The garage doors. They open like regular doors, like the push/pull kind. This takes like a minute to happen since all the doors are made of like thousand pound boards of medieval wood, and also takes a lot more time. Bothers me.
7) The tranvia, kind of like a long street car, only goes like a mile and a half through the middle of the city and costs more than a euro. They're also pissed that there are cables running through the city (for the tram) and are working hard to get rid of them.
8) Why there is no carpet. Or even rugs for that matter. My feets be so cold when I wake up to stone floors.
9) Why the sim card on my phone always seems to "come out of place" when it doesn't.
10) Why the streets are lined with orange trees. Seriously, there are thousands and thousands of them and its not like the people are eating. Get some variety, come on.
11) Why there is no grass. What do they have against grass?
12) Why there are only concrete soccer courts and why you have to buy a new ball everytime you play because the old one is destroyed after a solid two hours.
13) How much more personal a hug is than these two damn cheek kisses.
14) Why few people are allowed into a residence.
15) Why people don't care when their cars get into fender benders. I've seen people get hit, or a motorcyclist get hit and the driver of the car was just like, "you okay?" "ya" "alright, peace."
16) Why window shopping is more of a reflection on Spanish culture than soccer, bullfighting, or flamenco. I seriously run into people all the time stopping to look at something they are never going to buy.
17) Why kids call each other "tío." This means uncle when translated literally but is used as like "bro" or "dude."
18) How the Spanish people don't get over their cultural three hour siesta when everyone is going broke.  Maybe if you didn't sit around and drink for three hours during the day and stayed at work you'd get some stuff done and maybe make some money.
19) Why Spaniards eat out and go to cafes all the time. I mean, first of all you're broke. Like 25% of Sevilla is unemployed. Where is the money coming from? They must never save any money. Or I guess they're just living off the welfare system. But still.
20) The fear of rain.
21) Why there is so much english around. "No tira papeles en el water" -in the bathroom at CIEE, "dont throw paper in the water." "Parking público." Definitely not how you say parking in spanish.
22) The obsession with American music, especially non-dance music. They don't understand.......
23) Why every tabletop in the CIEE palace is not secure and moves up and down when you touch it.

Well, there are a lot of things I don't understand about Sevilla that aren't on this list but maybe I'll make a things I don't understand about Sevilla part two sometime.

My shitty phone. Took some nice maneuvering to hide my shitty fingernails. iPhone I miss and love you, you have no idea.


  1. From Dad - Scotty, your a good observer of stuff! I don't like your fingernails - quit biting them!
