Monday, October 4, 2010


I wish my maid wasn't such an over-achiever.  I feel like she has issues similar to the baldy on Deal or No Deal.  My bathroom doesn't need to be cleaned every day while I am sleeping, or, while I am just being woken up from her banging around the flat.  I would love to sleep in.  Apparently she thinks Americans take huge shits hundreds of times a day?  I don't know why my floor needs to be mopped every day.  Especially when the floor isn't even clean after her attempts.  I would talk to her about this but she doesn't understand that I don't understand her gibberish Spanish.  It's weird how different everyone's Spanish is here.  Graded on a 10-point scale of understandability, maybe a 2, on a good day.  Maybe I'm just pissed because she just woke me up again. I admire her work effort and job commitment and I understand why she is a professional maid, but leave me alone for once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well I promise you that when you return your maid here won't over achieve!

  2. Haha, next time just get out of bed, walk up to her, grab the mop out of her hand and throw it... then walk back to bed! I think that's universal enough to get the message across =)
