Sunday, October 24, 2010

Barcelona Sunday

Well, my last day in Barcelona was pretty laid back.  Woke up around some time that at don't remember and chilled around the hostel for a while.  Actually, I woke up around 10 because I had check out.  We were able to keep our things in the lockers you'll see below until we left for our flight.  We waited around for a while to go to this thing we thought was a choir but it turned out to be a bunch of people holding hands in a circle and doing some weird step-forward, step-back dance.  Pretty boring. After we went inside the church that the dancing had taken place in front of. Things kind of got all turned around and me and my friend Kelsey ended up separated from everybody else, but it turned out to be a good things since we got to do all the things we had planned/wanted to do.  Kelsey and I made our way to the Picasso museum.  It wasn't what you'd expect. The majority of the paintings did not reflect the style that you would associate with Picasso.  Instead, the museum exhibited his early works.  Maybe you've heard of the Blue and Rose periods.  A lot of the works were pretty disgusting and depicted a bunch of prostitutes in brothels.  Apparently Picasso was addicted to prostitutes or something.  I am pretty sure that many of his works can be found in 7th and 8th grader's notebooks.  Unfortunately this day was not well documented by my camera being that it did not charge the night before although it was most certainly plugged in.
Adrian and the lockers where we left our things! Oh and some craziness on the wall.

They let tourists in during mass???

Cathedral. Uh...people pray here.
Walk forward, walk back? Oh and some stamp collection exhibit (I heard?) that the post office put in the plaza. Pretty hardcore temporary building.
Picasso's impression of some artist from a napkin, and made famous on this random building.
Tourists are bullets shot out of the machine guns that are our society. Totally gave me the death glare as I took this.
Well, after the Picasso museum I was starving.  Kelsey and I got a baguette and split some jamón y queso and made ourselves some bocadillos to go along with our beer in the park.  Or maybe it's the other way around, beer to go with our bocadillo.  Ya that's right.  On our way we stumbled upon the Arc de Triumph (see below) and took a whole bunch of pictures (on her camera).  After, we hung out in the park for quite a while trying to regain our energy from such a hectic few days.
Arc de Triumph, and some other random monument in the front.
We didn't know that after lunch during our walk around the park that we would run into one of the coolest things on the trip.  Cascada Gaudi is a fountain that is much more than a fountain.  Unlike Gaudi's other crazy buildings this is a pretty classical piece and is covered in plants and moss and it looks so cool.  You can't see it in the picture below but in front of that the is a semi circle across the pond lined with winged lions spraying water into an even large pool.  I am in the process of remembering to get Kelsey's pictures from her.
I'll add more of this later. Such a cool fountain pictures can't even do it justice.
Meeting up to head to the airport, pretty night in Plaza Catalunya.
Where's your add Nate McMillan???
Such a busy airport.
As you know if you read one of my many of Barcelona blog posts (sorry for the number) I spent the night in the Barcelona airport.  When we got there the front desks were closed so we slept at some cafe tables.  Or actually, I put my head down on a cafe table.  Hmm, well like I said I'll try and find some of the pictures from my friends and hopefully show you some good ones.  I won't waste your time with words, well except a caption or fifteen.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing fountain. Just wandering around Barca must be so entertaining. I feel like I've been there after reading all your blogs and seeing the pics. Thanks Scott! Mom
