Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well I just looked and saw I've done like 43 posts.  That's way more than I thought I would ever do but it's been fun.  Thanks for setting it up for me (you know who you are), and thanks for reading (whoever you are).  Can't wait until I see you all so we can eat some American food in the most American way, while listening to the national anthem and watching American football on a huge (probably Japanese) plasma screen.  Just for kicks:
Now that's how you celebrate Halloween the American way...although I'm not sure if this picture was taken in Holland...whatever.


  1. That pic was taken in our West TV area house on 102nd, before we moved to Holland, before Lindsey was even born. I made those costumes for you guys, back when I used to be a seamstress and back during the TMNT days. OMG, thanks for the pic, you guys are so cute, you still are actually!

  2. hahahahahahahah you look so devilish. scheming up a little plan i'm sure. definitely one of my favorite pictures. miss you!
